Autonomous Search System


  • Demonstrate aerial autonomous search and rescue systems (manned/unmanned), using image-based Automatic Target Search System.
  • Means of pattern recognition, perception, reasoning, decision-making, and machine learning combining available resources for situation assessment and action on Search and Rescue missions.

Two use cases:

  • Maritime use case is based upon CERTI, IANA Tech and ITA project activities. The solution is based on Machine Learning.
  • Airplane crash use case developed by Saab and LiU for a solution focusing on autonomous cognitive function.s

The two approaches to exchange research solutions for the benefit of all, especially in the area of extracting relevant information from sensor data and further utilize these in the autonomous cognition loop.

Filipe A. N. Verri
Filipe A. N. Verri

My research interests include data science, machine learning, complex networks, and complex systems.