Multi-Sensor Wildfire Prediction

We aim at creating a data collection system capable of dealing with multiplatform and multi-sensor (multispectral imaging, humidity, temperature, and others) data to build artificial intelligence models to predict wildfire risk in a coverage area.

The data collection, data annotation, and data fusion system will handle different categories of data and platforms, as well as be easily integrated with other data systems related to the problem, such as information from satellites, vegetation maps, or other structured and unstructured data.

This project is under the Air Domain Study (ADS) project, a Brazil-Sweden Cooperation in Aeronautics, whose objective is to better understand the future of the air domain.

These activities will gradually expand knowledge and support stakeholder efforts to position themselves in the future landscape of global aeronautics.

Filipe A. N. Verri
Filipe A. N. Verri

My research interests include data science, machine learning, complex networks, and complex systems.